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I've carefully gathered the most powerful positive affirmations that will help you to attract large amounts of money quickly and easily.

✅ You have the option to download two files.

  1. 2 hour version
  2. 11 minute version

The audio contains 39 positive affirmations which repeat in a loop.

✅ How to use Positive Affirmations to get the fastest results:

Repeat those affirmations out loud twice per day(Just before bed and when you wake up in the morning) for at least 10-20 minutes per session.

You must repeat those statements with strong positive feeling, confidence and believe. If you want even faster results you can apply the Law of Assumption. Every time you say one of these affirmations you should assume that this reality is happening now and that this statement is true for you now at this moment.

You can also listen to this audio while you sleep for 30-60 minutes, but it is not necessary. If you feel negative emotions or have bad dreams, then you can listen for only 10-20 minutes while fall asleep or you can stop listening while you sleep altogether.

You can also listen to this audio during the day at any time.

It takes 21 days to form new beliefs. If you want massive results you must listen for a few months or even for a few years. If you never stop listening to them then the results will be even better and stronger.

✅ How Affirmations Work? 95% of your life is controlled by your subconscious mind. Big part of your subconscious beliefs are negative. This is why you can't attract money easily and you can't become rich.

When you begin to listen and repeat positive affirmations then you apply a new program to your subconscious mind and you basically force your old limiting beliefs to be released from your subconscious mind.

When this happens you will begin to install those new beliefs that are based on these positive affirmations. Then you will begin to believe in the affirmations from this audio and your reality will change very fast. You will begin to attract money from many source and in large quantities.

You will attract great job and business opportunities. Your business will grow and you will receive more and more clients. Your income will begin to increase more and more. You will begin to think diferently about money and you will become rich and wealthy.

✅ List of Positive Affirmations:

I attract money quickly and easily

I am a magnet for money

I love money

My income is constantly increasing

I prosper wherever I turn

Money comes to me from expected and unexpected sources

I am worthy of wealth and abundance

I deserve to be rich

I attract large amounts of money

I believe in myself and in my abilities

I have abundance mindset

The Universe is abundant and there is enough money for everyone

I live in rich and loving Universe

I am finnancially successful

I am an excellent money manager

I attract abundance of money

I am rich and abundant

I feel rich and worthy

Money comes to me in increasing quantities, through many sources on a continious basis

My bank balance is increasing constantly

I attract money making opportunities

Money comes to me in miraculous ways

The world is a safe place

I believe I can achieve anything

Money is constantly attracted to me

My life is so easy

I am accumulating large amounts of money

I am generating mountains of passive income

Money is constantly attracted to me

It is my birthright to be rich and successful

Money flows to me freely, endlessly and in avalanches of abundance

I have numerous steams of passive income

I easily come up with money making ideas

I am successful

I am lucky

Large amounts of money comes to me quickly and easily

I am grateful for all the money that I have

I create multiple sources of income

I am brave and courageous

The Music is licensed by Chris Collins,

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You will receive two audio files. Long version(2 hours) and short version(11 minutes)

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